I don't know what's happening but everything seems to go wrong at the moment. I lose every 70/30 i play, so i won't say how many 50/50s i lose. Cannot win a game at the moment.
Am i just on a terrible swing of luck ?
Has my game changed ?
Has the game changed ?
I think it's a mix of everything so from now on i will only play regular games and 6pack turbo's. No more Hu's superturbo where i wait for AK to lose to another 62 allin. No more D2N where i wait for QQ to another K2 allin. I need to get out of this swing and the only way i see me doing this is by playing slowpaced games where skill comes more into play then blindless aggression/luck.
Yesterday i play a normal HU4s game , first hand i get AQ in pos , i raise he calls preflop 3BB. Flop comes AQ10 all spades. He checks, i elect to check behind, not build a too big pot with all these draws and see turncard first. Turn is another Q. I therefor have AAAQQ. He bets turn , i raise to build pot, he gets it allin. i ofc snapcall to see a flopped Royal Flush. Good game, ty vm.
Can it get any worse ??
Tilted of some more after this hand. not pissed about the way he played or so, just about the immense coolers i'm getting at the moment . So sick this game.
Anyway, still hanging in there. We'll see in a while. If profit doesn't come back i stop for sure as it's too frustrating. I hear many regs having probs and stopping at the moment. Think it's due to the fact that the game is more and more evolving to a gambling game. They stick it in with anytwo any level any position certainly at my levels ). Everybody says that's what u want them to do but i don't agree , i want flops, i want them to fold sometimes when i raise. All i want is to minimize gambling and for the moment this isn't working. So first return to reg games . And then we'll see.
Good luck, good game and nice Royal Flushes when opp has FH.